If you’re still having Coachella withdrawals a month after its over, fear not — Coachella Advance Sale is here. Yes, its that time again to spend your life savings on Coachella tickets. No, we don’t know who will be performing, and if thats the most of your worries than you are better off just waiting to buy your tickets. For those who wanna snag the first round of tickets, you have a date with the internet on Wednesday, June 8 at 11am. If you ask me, its worth buying a Car Camping pass (just incase) and if you don’t need it later, you can always sell it.
Also, if this is your first time buying advance tickets you probably aren’t aware of the Coachella payment plan. Yes, thats a thing if you’ve never heard of it. The payments will consist of 7 payment of $57 over the course of six months. Check the payment table below:
- First Payment June 8, 2016 = $57
- 2nd Payment July 8, 2016 = $57
- 3rd Payment August 8, 2016 = $57
- 4th Payment September 8, 2016 = $57
- 5th Payment October 8, 2016 = $57
- 6th Payment November 8, 2016 = $57
- 7th Payment December 8, 2016 = $57
= 100%
You have the option to purchase camping arrangements, and if you don’t know what those are — read our Coachella Camping recap. Other notes to make before Wednesday arrives, have your Coachella account up and ready. If it’s your first time purchasing tickets, sign up for an account here.
Coachella 2017 will be held over the following weekends,
Weekend 1: April 14th – 16th 2017
Weekend 2: April 21nd – 23th 2017
Visit www.coachella.com for additional info.